Present perfect continuous tense English Grammar

Here is a short analysis on the present perfect continuous tense English Grammar. I have given here ample examples on the present continuous tense and it’s rules. You will surely get ample scope to get a good learning on the present perfect continuous tense.

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Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The Present Perfect continuous Tense is used for an action which began at some time in the past and is still continuing: 

Rule- Subject + has been/have been (verb + ing )

Uses- [1] an action has been going on throughout a period (It may still continue or has just finished).

  • It has been raining for two hours.
  • She has been singing since morning.
  • The baby has been crying(for a longer time).

2] with ‘continuity verbs like learn, lie, like, rain, sit, sleep, study, wait, Work, etc.

  • I have been working for ten years. (emphasis on continuity is still working)

3] an action repeated often (without mention of time : present perfect if number is mentioned)

  • I have been knocking at the door. (but I have knocked ten times at the door)
  • He has been selling sareessince noon. (but he has sold six sarees since noon.)

4. an action not completed:

  • She is still in the kitchen.
  • she has been cooking all morning.

5.  focus on continuous activity

  • We have been building the house.
  • I have been learning it all afternoon.

6] drawing conclusion :

  • Her eyes are red, she has been crying


  • I have been doing this work for two days.
  • We have been living here for five years.
  • He/She has been reading in this school for three
  • Lipika has been waiting for you for a long time.
  • Nilu has been sufering from fever since (from) Sunday last.
  • It has been raining
    from (since) Monday last.

Note: For, Since and From == “Both (since and from) denote a point of time, not a space or period. But ‘since’ is preceded by a verb in some perfect tense, while ‘from’ can be used with any form of tense. Another difference is that ‘since can be used only in reference to past time, whereas from can be used for present and future tense.” = Nesfield

present perfect continuous tense in english grammar

Different Forms of Present Perfect Continuous


  • I have been working.
  • We have been working.
  • You have been working.
  • He/She has been working.
  • They have been working.


  • I have not been working.
  • We have not been working.
  • You have not been working.
  • He/ She has not been working.
  • They have not been working.


  • Have I been working?
  • Have you been working?
  • Has he / she been working
  • Have they been working?

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