Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer

Here is a blog post on Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer. Explore the fascinating realm of “Tales of Bhola Grandpa” by Manoj Das with our extensive follow-up question answer session. Discover undiscovered treasures, get more profound understanding, and satiate your curiosity as we reveal the unsung tales through this captivating Q&A. Take a trip with us to rediscover the enchantment of Bhola Grandpa’s stories like never before.

Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer,tales of bhola grandpa,
Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer


Answer the following questions

1.Where did Bhola Grandpa have a great adventure?
Ans- Bhola grandpa had a great adventure in the dense jungle of Sunderban.

2. Where did the Royal Bengal tigers roam freely?
Ans- Royal Bengal tigers roam freely in the dense jungle of Sunderban.

3. In those days, why were people careful to move about in the Sunderbans after sundown?
Ans- People were careful to move about in the sunderbans after sundown because in those days  Royal Bengal tigers roamed about freely in the dense jungle of sunderban.

4. What happened when Bhola Grandpa was returning from the weekly market?
Ans- When Bhola grandpa was returning from the weekly market, he suddenly heard a growl of a tiger at a distance.

5. What did Bhola Grandpa do to save his life?
Ans- Bhola grandpa instantly climbed up a banyan tree to save his life.

6. What did he see after turning back?
After turning back Bhola grandpa saw the bright gaze of the tiger on his face.

7. What did the tiger do when Bhola Grandpa climbed up a banyan tree?
When Bhola Grandpa climbed up a banyan tree, the tiger roared and circled the tree about hundred times and settled down under a bush without taking its eyes off him.

Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer

8. At night, sitting on the tree, how could Bhola Grandpa sense the presence of the tiger?
Bhola grandpa could sense the presence of tiger as the tiger beat its tail on the dry leaves.

9. When did Bhola Grandpa come down from the tree?
Ans- After the breaking of dawn with the cooing of doves, Bhola grandpa came down from the tree.

10. What request did Bhola Grandpa make to the first man he saw on the mound?
Ans- Bhola grandpa requested the first man he saw on the mound for some water to drink.

11. Why was the man bewildered when Bhola Grandpa requested for some water to drink?
Ans- when Bhola Grandpa requested for some water to drink, he was bewildered because he saw that Bhola grandpa walked past the hungry beast and did nothing.

12. What happened to Bhola Grandpa when he remembered the tiger?
Ans- when Bhola grandpa remembered the tiger, he lost his senses in fear and ran back home.

13. How old was Bhola Grandpa and his wife when he died?
Bhola grandpa was ninety five years old when he died and his wife was then of eighty

14. What was the reaction of Bhola Grandpa’s wife after his death?
After Bhola grandpa’s death, his wife said that the old man must have forgotten to breathe.

ACTIVITY – 2 (Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer)

Complete following sentences with information from the text:

i. Bhola Grandpa lived with the …. monkeys in the bokal tree.
ii. Bhola Grandpa and his wife lived at… western end of their village.
iii. Bhola Grandpa and his wife did not mind though… there lived a troop of monkeys in the large bokal tree which overshadowed their hut.
iv. It was revealed in the enquiry that… Bhola Grandpa had taken his grandson to the festival.
v. Bhola Grandpa excitedly reported his father… he had seen a gang of pirates hididng treasure under a sand dune.
vi. Bhola Grandpa finally confessed that…there was no real treasure but it was a mid day nap where he had seen the pirates.
vii. One evening while returning from the market, Bhola Grandpa heard…….the growl of Royal Bengal tiger.
viii. The tiger settled down…….under a bush.
ix. Bhola Grandpa could hear…….the beating of the tiger’s tail on the dry leaves.
x. Bhola Grandpa requested………the first man he saw on the mound for some water to drink.
xi. When he looked at the tiger in the morning, it was……yowning and stretching its limbs.
xii. According to Bhola Grandpa’s wife, he died as……..he had forgotten to breathe.


Write T for true and F for false statements and give supporting statements:

a. Bhola Grandpa lived alone. [F]
b. Bhola Grandpa and his wife lived in a city. [F]
c. Bhola Grandpa lived in a palace. [F]
d. Bhola Grandpa and his wife were not much bothered about the monkeys. [T]
e. The narrator was riding on a bullock cart. [F]
f. The pirates were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes in a jungle. [F]
g. The story of hidden treasure was nothing else but a dream. [T]
h. People did not move about after sunset. [F]
i. On seeing the tiger, Bhola Grandpa climbed up a peepul tree. [F]
j. The tiger settled under a bush but stared at him. [T]
k. The tiger was still sleeping when Bhola Grandpa climbed down. [F]
l. Bhola Grandpa died at the age of eighty-five. [F]

ACTIVITY – 4 (Tales of Bhola Grandpa extra question answer)

1.Where did Bhola Grandpa and his wife live?
Ans- Bhola grandpa and his wife lived in the western end of their village.

2. What was their hut overshadowed by?
Ans- A large bokul tree overshadowed their hut.

3. Where did the small troop of monkeys live?
Ans- A small troop of monkeys lived in the bokal tree which overshadowed their hut.

4. Where from were Bhola Grandpa and his grandson returning?
Ans- Bhola grandpa and his wife were returning from the village festival.

5. How was the road?
Ans- The road was long and foggy.

6. On whose shoulder was the author riding?
Ans- The author was riding on the village chowkida’s shoulder.

7. While returning from the festival why did Bhola Grandpa let out a loud?
Ans- While returning from the festival Bhola Grandpa let out a loud wail because he found that his grandson whom he had taken to the festival was missing.

8. How was Bhola Grandpa reminded of his grandson?
Bhola grandpa was reminded of his grandson when he was asked what he was gripping.

9. Whom did the author’s father choose for the search?
Ans- The author’s father chose two sharp eyed persons from their team for the search.

10. Where was Bhola Grandpa’s grandson found?
Bhola grandpa’s grandson was finally found on a cosy shelter under a cow’s belly.

11. What did Bhola Grandpa tell the author’s father and his friends about the treasure?
Ans- Bhola grandpa told the author’s father and his friends that he had seen a gang of pirates hiding treasure in the sand dunes.


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