Long questions from Thank You Ma’am with answers

Welcome to our full tutorial on Thank You Ma’am Long Questions with Answers. If you’re looking for the thought-provoking questions from Thank You Ma’am by Langston Hughes, you’ve come to the right spot. In this blog post, we go into the significant questions, providing not only answers but also a deeper comprehension of the themes and characters. Join us as we unfold every aspect of “Thank You, Ma’am” through critical inquiry and comprehensive comments. If you’re a student searching for helpful study resources, be ready to analyze this renowned work.

Long questions from Thank You Ma'am

1. “I would teach you right from wrong.”-Who said this, to whom and when? How did the speaker transform the person spoken to here? [1+1+1+3]

Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones said this to Roger in Langston Hughes’ short story, Thank You Ma’am.
She told him as she nearly dragged him away after she had discovered him attempting to take her purse.
Mrs Jones gradually transformed the boy by showering him with motherly love. She invited the youngster to wipe his face and handed him a clean towel. The lady stated that she had to go through a lot in her adolescence. Her open confession gave the boy hope. He became acquainted with the lady and no longer desired to flee. She discussed her personal experiences with him and grew pretty comfortable with him.
She then urged the child not to repeat his mistake. Finally, Mom offered him 10 bucks in order for him to purchase the wanted blue suede shoes. Thus, the lady reformed Roger by acting as a perfect friend and guide.

Long questions from Thank You Ma’am

2. “I have done things, too, which I could not tell you, son-neither tell God…” -Who says this and to whom? What do you infer about the speaker from these words? What was the possible effect of these words on the person spoken to? [2+2+2]

Mrs Jones says this to Roger.

Mrs Jones wishes to reveal her personal history by expressing these remarks. Perhaps she did something horrible when she was younger. Mrs Jones’ statements show that she understands Roger’s plight because she, too, has succumbed to temptation. She becomes embarrassed by this. She gives Roger these things, however, because she wants Roger to know that she has had a similar experience and that, like her, he can choose the path of dignity and labour. It also demonstrates her kindness and mercy.

Roger realizes that if the woman’s background was comparable to his, she would not be so nasty to him. He understands he, too, can transform. He found himself following in her footsteps.

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3. Why did not Roger run away later although he had the opportunity to do so? Or, Why did not Roger run away later although he found the door open?

Mrs Jones apprehended Roger. He was pleading for freedom and attempting to flee. Mrs. Jones denied him the opportunity. Instead of taking him to the police station, she pulled him home. When she got home, she let him go and told him to wash his face. Roger had the option of fleeing. He chose to stroll to the sink, however. Later, as Mrs Jones was busy preparing dinner, he had another opportunity to steal her pocketbook. Mrs Jones had placed her handbag on her bed and had left the door ajar. He had the option of fleeing, but he chose not to because he had Mrs Jones’ love, kindness, and trust. Then he had been altered. He didn’t want to be there. He did not want to be mistrusted now. So he did not run away.

4.”Eat some more, son”-Who is the speaker? What is offered by the speaker to the listener? What picture of the speaker’s character is revealed in this line? (1+1+4]

The speaker is Mrs Luella Bates Washington Jones.
She offers Roger, the young boy, a half of her ten-cent cake.
Mrs Jones recognized the boy’s hunger. As a result, she decided to feed him. She warmed up some lima beans and ham. She also made some chocolate from canned milk. Mrs Jones offered Roger half of her ten-cent cake and informed him the aforementioned sentence once Roger had finished these. Mrs Jones’ maternal feelings are expressed in this line. Roger faced a stature with affection and hospitality. She attempted to compensate for Roger’s lack of affection and attention.

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Long questions from Thank You Ma’am

5. “The woman did not ask the boy anything… that would embarrass him.”-Why did not Mrs Jones want to embarrass Roger in any way?

It was evident to Mrs Jones that Roger was already ashamed of his misdeed. She could actually make him more humiliated if she embarrassed him more. It would annoy him once more. Mrs. Jones was aware that young people with no other options Choice frequently does stupid things. However, they had to be provided a chance to make a different. As a result, she became a mother. Roger had a similar figure. She didn’t want Roger to do anything. In the future, this will be incorrect.

The easiest way to accomplish this was to treat him. with affection. She recollected that she herself had done certain inglorious deeds in her past and so she could understand and empathise with Roger. certain heinous crimes in her past in order for her to comprehend and empathize with Roger. Her goal was to influence Roger rather than to persuade him. make him seem bad. As a result, she ceased further questioning.

Long questions from Thank You Ma’am

6. “I’m very sorry, lady, I’m sorry-Who is the speaker? Was the speaker really sorry? When was the speaker a changed person? [l+2+3]

The speaker is a frail boy of fourteen or fifteen, named Roger, who tried to snatch the purse of an elderly lady in Langston Hughes’ short story, Thank You Ma’am.

The lady had apprehended the boy. She was hesitant to let go fearing he might flee. As a result, the youngster apologized so that he may be released. However, the child said more out of terror than genuine regret. He was worried the lady would put him in jail.

Roger was transformed into a new person when he realized the benevolence of the lady. Even though he had committed a crime,, the lady was kind and sympathetic to him. She gave him food, money to buy his coveted shoes and advised him never to follow the wrong path. Most importantly, she trusted him. Roger completely changed by her motherly affection and support.

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Long questions from Thank You Ma’am

7. Why did the boy in Thank You Ma’am’ not run away though he found the door open? 

Ans-  Mrs. Jones affectionately treated the boy in her house. She fed him. The boy washed his dirty face in her house. She told him to comb his hair to look him presentable. All these Changed the mentality of the boy. Getting opportunity to run away with her pocket book, he did not do so. Because he felt that he was no more a thief in the eye of Mrs. Jones. She prepared supper for him affectionately and she did not send him to the jail or the police station. Realising her motherly feelings, the boy could not run away. His mind became changed. He felt that there was at least one in this world who felt for him.

8. “And he did not want to be mistrusted now”-Who is referred to as he’? Why did he not want to be mistrusted and by whom?(1+1+4)

Ans- In the story Thank You Ma’am’, Roger a young teenage boy is referred to here as “he’.
His family is not there for him. For the sake of his living, he roams about the street and robs the people. At the beginning of the story, Roger tries to snatch the fatty purse of Mrs. Jones to buy a pair of shoes, but fails. After being caught and taken to Mrs. Jones residence, he gets the opportunity for getting away, but he does not. Mrs. Jones treats him so kindly with motherly affection that he transforms completely. At the time of departing, he wants to express his gratitude. But the woman dramatically shuts the door.

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9. Describe Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones encounter with Roger on the street?

Answer- At about eleven o’clock at night, while Mrs. Jones was returning from her working place alone, Roger, a boy of fourteen years, ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse. The strap of the purse broke as Roger gave the tug from behind. But as the purse was much heavier that Roger expected, his own weight and the weight of the purse combined caused him to lose his balance and he fell on his back on the sidewalk upside down. Mrs. Jones immediately turned around and kicked Roger
with a full blow right at his abdomen. She picked him up by his shirt front and shook him vigorously until his teeth rattled.

10. How did Mrs. Jones reform Roger?

Mrs. Jones transformed Roger completely by her human behaviour. While trying to snatch the purse of Mrs. Jones, Roger was caught red handed. Mrs. Jones dragged him to her house. Roger thought that he might be handed over to the police by Mrs. Jones. But intention of Mrs. Jones was to transform the boy. She brought Roger to her house, prepared the dinner in the kitchen leaving Roger alone in the room. Roger could have fled away, but he didn’t as he got much inspiration by the motherly attention of Mrs. Jones. She finished her dinner with the boy and at the time of departing gave him money for buying blue suede shoes. Roger got great influence from the affection and hospitality shown by Mrs. Jones.


11.”Sweat popped out from the boy’s face and he began to struggle”- Who was the boy? Why did sweat pop out from his face? What happened as the result of the struggle? (1+3+2)

Answer- The boy, named Roger, was a boy of fourteen or fifteen who tried to snatch the bag of Mrs. Jones.

While snatching the purse of Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Jones resisted. He lost his balance and fell on ground. Mrs. Jones hold his shirt firmly and planned to take him to
her residence. The boy was not ready to go with Mrs. Jones and for this struggled valiantly. At this point of time sweat popped out.

The boy could not resist much. Mrs. Jones stopped, Jerked him around in front of her, put a half nelson about his neck and continued to drag him up the street.

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