The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer class 8

Here is the blog post on The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer. The students of class 8 under WBBSE will surely get right answers of all the activity questions of the text here.

The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer

It is vital to develop in our younger generations a sense of responsibility and appreciation for nature in a society where environmental concerns are becoming more and more prevalent. This can be accomplished, for example, by engaging activities and stories that provoke thought as well as entertainment. The story of “The Man Who Planted Trees” written by Jean Jeano stands out among others as a timeless classic that motivates us to take action for a greener future.

The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer class 8
The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer class 8

Examining this incredible tale with Class 8 kids can be an eye-opening experience that teaches them important lessons about environmental responsibility and the value of tenacity. The “The Man Who Planted Trees” activity will be covered in detail along with a thorough question and answer section that will help to increase comprehension and participation. This guide will serve as an invaluable tool to enhance your understanding of this literary classic and its ecological message, whether you’re a teacher looking for teaching resources or a student eager to discover the story’s mysteries. So let’s go out on a journey to learn more about the significant influence of one man’s commitment to using tree planting to improve the world.

Activity 1 (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Tick the correct alternative:
(i) The narrator was speaking of his experience (a) of recent times (b) about forty years ago (c) forty years into the future
Ans- (b) about forty years ago
(i) The land could produce only (a) plants of all types (b) wild lavender (c) oak trees
Ans- b) wild lavender
(ii) The village where he was camped was inhabited by (a)the villagers (b) wild animals (c) none
Ans- (c) none
(iv) The sound of the wind is compared to (a) a flute (b) drums (c) a wild bèast
Ans- (c) a wild bèast

Activity 2

Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order and put the numbers the given boxes:
(1) The narrator had been walking for three days. ( 2 )
(2) He came across a dry spring. ( 5  )
(3) No vegetation grew in the region except wild lavender.(  1  )
(4) The narrator’s camp was near an abandoned village.( 3   )
(5) Hewas in search of water.(  4   )
(6) He lost all hopes of water when his search produced no result after five hours.(  6  )

Activity 3

Answer the following question:
Why do you think the village was abandoned?
Ans- I think the village was abandoned because that place was very hot and there was scarcity of water.

Activity 4 (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Complete the following sentences with information from the text:
(a)In the text, l refers to… the narrator or the author Jean Jeano.
(b)The shepherd’s cottage would be the narrator’s shelter for the night since the closest village was still more than a day and a half farther on.
(c),With a great deal of attention, the shepherd… began to examine the acorns one by one.
(d)The impression provided by the shepherd to the narrator was…. that nothing could disturb him.


Activity 5

Answer the following questions:

(a) Give two examples of the shepherd’s hospitality towards the narrator.
Ans- The shepherd gave the narrator a drink and soup as food. He also offered shelter to spend the night. These were two examples of the shepherd’s hospitality towards the narrator.

(b)State the profession of the people who inhabited the four or five remote villages.
Ans- The people who lived in the remote villages were woodcutters. They used to make charcoal as profession.

(c)”I was intrigued.” Why was the narrator ‘intrigued’?
Ans- The narrator was intrigued because the man gave him the impression that nothing could disturb him and he wanted to find out more about him.

Activity 6

Write T for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Give supporting statements for each of your answers:(The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

(a) The next morning the shepherd left his house all by himself. [ F ]
Supporting Statement- Before going out the next day, he soaked in a bucket of water the acorns that he had so carefully chosen and counted….He invited me to come along with him.

(b) Twenty thousand trees had sprouted from among the trees planted by the shepherd. [T ]
Supporting Statement- Of these one hundred thousand, twenty thousand had come up

(c) The narrator met Elzéard Bouffier after a time span of five years. [F]
Supporting Statement- The oaks of 1910 were now ten years old.

(d) The forest had sprung with the combined effort of the villagers and the shepherd. [F]
Supporting Statement- This had all sprung from the hands and from the soul of this one man.

Activity 7

Answer the following questions: (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

(a) How did Elzéard Bouffier plant the acorns?
Ans- Elzerard Bouffier pounded his iron rod into the ground. That made a hole in which he placed an acorn and covered the hole again. In this way, he planted acorns.

(b) HoW many years later did the narrator revisit the country?
Ans- The narrator revisited the country after five years.

(c) “I found that the war had not disturbed him at all”-Why do you think that the war had not been able to disturb Elzéard Bouffier?
Ans- I think that the war had not disturbed him at all  because he had been living in the remote areas.

(d) What was the narrator’s reaction on seeing the massive oak trees?
Ans- On seeing the massive oak trees, the narrator was speechless.

Activity 8(a)

Combine the following pairs of sentences by using Infinitives: (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

(i) My mother went to Agra. She wanted to visit the Taj Mahal.
Ans- My mother went to Agra to visit the Taj Mahal.

(ii) The man held a meeting. He wanted to select a manager for the factory.
Ans- The man held a meeting to select a manager for the factory.

(iii) She was too tired. She could not work.
Ans- She was too tired to work.

(iv) The school has appointed a new teacher. He would teach Bengali to the students.
Ans- The school has appointed a new teacher to teach Bengali to the students.

Activity 8(b)

Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous tense of the given verbs:
(i) The dog has been barking (bark) since last night.
(ii) The man has been reading (read) the newspaper for two hours.
(iii) The students have been preparing (prepare) themselves for the quiz competition for several months.
(iv) Mother has been barking (cook) dinner for all of us throughout the evening.


Activity 8(c) (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Change the underlined verbs into the Past Perfect Continuous tense: (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

(i) He said that he had tried to contact us over phone since 8 o’clock that day.
(ii) For a long time they had planned to visit the caves of Ajanta and Ellora.
(iii) The actor who had played the part of Netaji became ill after the show.
(iv) My sister explained that she got up late because she had studied till midnight.

(i) He said that he had been trying to contact us over phone since 8 o’clock that day.
(ii) For a long time they had been planning to visit the caves of Ajanta and Ellora.
(iii) The actor who had been playing the part of Netaji became ill after the show.
(iv) My sister explained that she got up late because she had been studying till midnight.

Activity 8(d) (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Change the following sentences into lndirect speech: (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

(i) Mohan said, “My brother will leave tomorrow”.
Answer- Mohan said that his brother would leave the next day.
(ii) My friend said to me,” I will be grateful if you help me
Answer- My friend told me that he would be grateful if I helped him.
(iii) The child said to his father, ” Please give me a toy.”
Answer- The child requested his father to give him a toy.
(iv) “Oh! what a hot day it is today” said Rita.
Answer- Rita exclaimed that it was a very hot that day.
(v) “May we save Our good earth!” said the teacher
Answer- The teacher wished that they might save their good earth.

Activity 9 (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Find words in the third section of the text which mean the following: (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

(a) a way of improving an unpleasant or difficult situation- remedy
(b) to repeatedly hit at something – pound
(c) a place with no people – deserted
(d) left with no words – speechless

Activity 10 (a)

Write an imaginary conversation between you and a tree that you planted and has since grown tall and green. (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Me: Good morning my most beloved tree. Hey, how are you?
Tree: Everything is good.
Me: You’ve gotten so tall. This is incredible.
Tree: Yes, and it was only possible because of your unceasing concern for me.
Me: Don’t thank me. You deserve my gratitude for casting a cool shadow during the summer.
Tree: I had to do it.
Me: I still recall your tiny size when I first planted you. You are so big and tall now.
Tree: The transformation has indeed been significant. I want to thank you again for looking out for me.
Me: It’s my pleasure.

Activity 10 (b)

Suppose your friend, who lives in a hostel, is missing his/her friends and family. He/she is feeling very lonely and sad. Write a letter inspiring him/her to cope with his/her present situation. (The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer)

Paschim Medinipur

My dear Rakhi,

I learned how you’ve been doing in the hostel after receiving your letter last week. I am aware that you are spending your first time apart from your loved ones. But keep in mind that we are always here for you. This period will shortly pass as well. Don’t lose sight of and concentrate on your goal. You are also missed by us. Try meeting new people and trying new activities. Do as much local exploration as you can. There may be days when you feel like returning home, in which case do so to see your loved ones. And keep in mind: Never weep. Send us more letters.

I’ll be in touch soon.

Yours sincerely

Rakhi Dey
c/o Dananjay Dey
Paschim Medinipur

The Man Who Planted Trees Activity Question Answer

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