The Place of Art in Education class 11 SAQ Question

Here is a set of important SAQ questions with answers from The Place of Art in Education for the students of class 11 under WBCHSE board. These questions will help you to write short answer type questions of the class 11 final exam on The Place of Art in Education written by Nandalal Bose. The Place of Art in Education class 11 SAQ question with answers for class 11 students will surely help you to get good marks.



1. Who is the author of the essay “The Place of Art in Education”?
Answer- Nandalal Bose is the author of the essay “The Place of Art in Education”.

2. What is the vehicle for literature, science and philosophy?
Answer-Language is the vehicle for literature science and philosophy.

3. What does literature provide man?
Answer-Literature provides man with knowledge and inner delight.

4. What according to Nandalal Bose, is the main drawback of literature?
Answer-The main drawback of literature is that the fields of literature are limited.

5. What can make up the limitation of literature?
Answer-Art music and dance make up the limitation of literature.

6. How does man apprehend the world?
Answer-Man apprehends the world with his mind and senses.

7. What does education in the arts do?
Answer-Education in art heightens man’s knowledge and power of aesthetic experience.

8. What is the general notion about training in art?
Answer-The general notion about training in art is that art is preserved forĀ  few professionals.

9. What cannot the common people differentiate between?
Answer-The common people cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph.

10. Why do the common people gape in amazement at Japanese dolls?
Answer-The common people gape in amazement at Japanese dolls because they have no aesthetic sense.

11. Why have we remained ignorant and insensitive to our past glory of art?
Answer-We have remained ignorant and insensitive to our past glory of art because we have no aesthetic sense.

12. What is harmful to the economic well-being of the country?
Answer-The decline of functional art is harmful to the economic well being of the country.

13. What is the function of functional art?
Answer-Functional art brings beauty to the objects of our daily use and gives a scope of earning livelihood.

14. What does fine art do to us?
Answer-Fine art liberates our mind from the constraints of sorrows and conflicts of our daily lives.

15. How does a college student keep his room?
Answer-An educated college student keeps all his things in a disorganized mess in his seemingly palatial hostel room or lodging.

16. What does the writer find in the life of a poor Santhal?
Answer-The writer has found that a poor santhal sweeps and mops his hut, keeps everything in order because the sense of beauty is the essential part of his life.

17. What does the mess in the room of the rich man’s son indicate?
Answer-The mess in the room of the rich man’s son indicates that the sense of beauty is superficial to him.

18. What do the so called educated people use at home?
Answer-The so called educated people use tin containers in place of elegant earthen pitchers.

19. Give an example to show that the educated fail to understand art?
Answer-Educated people fail to understand art when they can’t differentiate between a painting and a photograph.

20. Who are fond of Garish German wrappers and why?
Answer-The Educated public are fond of Garish German wrappers because they do not have any sense of art.

21. What, according to the essayist, will the educational scene reveal?
Answer-The educational scene will reveal that the cultural life of our country has become distressingly worse.

22. Why is it important for students to visit museums and picture-galleries?
Answer-It is important for students to visit museums and picture-galleries to give them an opportunity of direct encounter with nature.

23. What will be the effect of training on art among the students?
Answer-Art training will develop the power of observation of the students and it will help in the study of science literature and philosophy.

24. What will be the role of educational institutions for art studies in India?
Answer-Educational institutions must make art education compulsory to spread art education.

25. What is shameful to our country?
Answer-It is shameful to our country that educated people donot feel any shame at not understanding art.

26. What hampers the economic growth of our country?
Answer-The decline of functional art hampers the economic growth of our country.

27. Name two forms of art mentioned in the text.
Answer-Two forms of art are Fine art and Functional art.

28. On grounds or utility, what do the educated use in place of (elegant) earthen pitchers?
Answer-On grounds of utility the educated people use tin containers in place of elegant earthen pitchers.

29. What according to Nandalal Bose, has our country’s economic decline followed?
Answer-According to Nandalal Bose our economic well being has followed the decay of functional art.

30. How will the time of Art Festival in a school be decided?
Answer-The time of Art Festival in a school will be decided according to the location.

31. What, according to Nandalal Bose, is the objective of education?
Answer-The objective of education, according to Nandalal Bose is total development.

32. How does the absence of a sense ol beauty harm a man?
Answer-The absense of a sense of beauty harms the physical and mental well being of a man.

33. Where do the roots of art education lie?
Answer-The roots of art education lie in the observation of nature.

34. What are the two aspects of art education?
Answer-The two aspects of art education are Fine art and Functional art.


35. How do educated men advertise their devotion to art?
Educated men advertise their devotion to art by showing framed pin ups side by side with good paintings.

36. Why are seasonal festivals essential for the students of art?
The seasonal festivals are essential for the students of art because the students can get acquainted with nature and their aesthetic sense may grow up.

37. What has provided the source material for all artistic creation?
According to Nandalal Bose, Nature has provided the source material for all artistic creation.

38. What role should the students play in the art festival?
The students will participate in the art festival with their creative art works.

39. Who cannot differentiate between a painting and photograph?
Educated men cannot differentiate between a painting and a photograph.

40. What do people lacking a sense of beauty do?
People lacking a sense of beauty make their surroundings filthy.

41. For whom is the sense of beauty an essential part of life?
According to Nandalal Bose, for a poor santhal the sense of beauty is an essential part of his life.

42. When does our present day art get recognition in our country?
Our present day art does not get recognition in our country until it is not approved by the foreign connoisseurs.

43. What is the general notion among some people regarding art?
The general notion about art is that art is preserved for a few professionals.

44. What kinds of books are needed to promote art-education?
To promote art education we need good books of well qualified writers with illustrations in ample measures.

45. What is the harmful effect of this lack of art education in our country?
The lack of art education not only cheats a person of aesthetic experience but also harms his mental or physical well being.

46. Name two traditional dresses of the Bengali Community mentioned in the essay?
Dhoti and saree are two traditional dresses mentioned in the essay The Place Of Art in Education.

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