The Undeserved Reward Question Answer DAV Class 8

Here is a blog post on The Undeserved Reward Question Answer . You have come to the right site if you are looking for DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 “The Undeserved Reward” by Premchand. The exercises from Chapter 10 of the DAV Class 8 English book, The Undeserved Reward, are provided at the end of the chapter. These solutions will be helpful for Class 8 English exams.

Here, we offer comprehensive answers to the DAV Class 8 English chapter 10 of the English literary book, The Undeserved Reward. The DAV Class 8 English Literature Book Solutions Chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward comprises the answers to the five questions in this exercise from English chapter 10 The Undeserved Reward by Premchand.

The Undeserved Reward question answer

DAV Class 8 The Undeserved Reward Question Answer
The Undeserved Reward Question Answer

Understanding of the story

A.Write T for true or F for false statements.

1. The narrator is a lawyer by profession. [ False  ]
2. The district officer had a keen interest in history. [True ]
3. The narrator and Baldev used to be classmates about ten years back. [False ]
4. Baldev came to see the narrator because he was keen to revive an old friendship. [False ]
5. The narrator requested the district officer to help his friend. [False ]
6. Baldev was thankful to the narrator for saving his son. [True.]

B. i) Why is the narrator a secret admirer of the district officer?

Ans- The district officer is a man of learning, and the narrator secretly admires him for that. He has done a lot of historical and coin study. In the middle of his professional obligations, the narrator questions how he finds the time for it. The narrator is pleased by him after reading his works.

ii) What did the Indian officer do when his father-in-law insisted on prolonging his daughter’s stay at his house?

Ans- The Indian officer became enraged and summoned his father-in-law when he insisted on extending his daughter’s stay at his home.

iii)When the narrator was invited by the district officer to see him, his friends said that it was an insult to him. Why?

Ans- When the narrator accepted the district officer’s invitation to meet with him, his friends criticized him, saying that if the district officer was so eager to meet him, he should have come to his residence.

iv) Why was the narrator happy that the district officer had not come to his house himself instead of calling him?

Ans. The narrator was relieved that the district officer had not visited his home because it would have been problematic for him because his home lacked even a decent chair. Even after spending a lot of money, he wouldn’t have been able to keep the district officer entertained for very long. It would have been worse if his wife had come along with him because she could have kept the storyteller entertained.

v) ‘I considered this as downright mean and dishonest.’ What did the narrator consider to be mean and dishonest?

Ans. Because the narrator knew the district officer, it was simple for him to persuade individuals that by using him, they could gain the district officer’s favor. However, he thought it was cruel and dishonest to take advantage of his friendship with the district officer.

vi) How did the narrator and Baldev become friends in their childhood?

Ans. Around 45 years ago, the narrator and Baldev had attended the same university. Baldev struggled academically, and his teacher had had enough of him. He then charged the narrator with teaching Baldev additional lessons. Results came from the narrator’s compassionate approach. Baldev quickly caught up with his studies, and they grew close.

vii) Why had the police involved Baldev’s son in a false case of dacoity?

Ans. The police frequently argued with Baldev’s son, and they were constantly on the lookout for ways to link him to crimes. They had their chance when a dacoity occurred in the community, and throughout the course of the inquiry, they caught him.

C.  Baldev presented many arguments before the narrator to convince him to speak to the district officer. State a few arguments and identify the one which you think to be the most convincing.

In order to persuade the narrator to speak with the district officer, Baldev made a number of reasons before him. He acknowledged that the storyteller was his older brother and that he relied on him to keep his son out of trouble. Besides he claimed that if his son received a sentence, the family as a whole would be destroyed. He informed him that his son’s wife had not eaten since his incarceration and that the boy’s mother was sobbing uncontrollably. At the same time he warned him that if his son was imprisoned, both of the ladies would perish. He also reminded the narrator that he was both his mentor and boyhood friend.


‘I feel sorry at the mentality of my countrymen,’ says the narrator. Why does the narrator feel sorry for it? Explain.

The narrator regrets that his countrymen placed so much value on the leaders of the nation. They make an effort to appear flattering by asking them to preside over official gatherings or by renaming a hospital or school in their honor. The narrator feels bad for Indians because of their way of thinking.

E. Life  skills

A. ‘Every deserving action should be rewarded; likewise every reward should be well deserved.’ Does this statement always hold true in  real life? Substantiate your answer with examples.

Answer- A reward should be given for completing good deeds since the incentive serves to motivate the performer. Even if he doesn’t ask for it, the meritorious activity should be rewarded to spread the good deed. For instance, rewarding someone who finds money on the road and returns it to its owner will encourage him to continue doing so in the future. However, those that deserve it should also receive a reward.

B. While listening to everyone, one should still make their own decisions using their intelligence and conscience. Discuss.

Answer- Before making a decision, intellect must analyze and comprehend a situation, whereas conscience acts as a guide. The decision maker might not think about the effects of his or her choice if the decision is solely motivated by conscience. Therefore, it is crucial to employ intellect as well, in order to be able to comprehend emotions and make the right decisions by using both intellect and conscience.


A. I couldn’t muster the guts to tell them I hadn’t done anything, so I did not. Should the narrator have publicly acknowledged his lack of involvement in the situation rather than taking credit for freeing Baldev’s kid from imprisonment? In class, discuss.

The narrator was taken aback to find Baldev bearing gifts. He could not muster the confidence to tell him the truth and decline all of the gifts, even though he had no desire to claim excessive credit for something he had not accomplished. The narrator ought to have been transparent about the fact that he did nothing to save Baldev’s son. He would not have had to deal with guilt or his extremely poor self-esteem. He ought to have declined the presents.

B. (i) “Where the teacher’s cane fell short, my sympathetic approach worked.” In the past, it was usual to observe kids receiving corporal punishment. Do you believe it was current at the time?

Since corporal punishment is nothing more than an unjust, obtuse, and anti-educational response, it was irrelevant back then as well. Abuse of any kind is never acceptable and never should be. No matter what the circumstance, hitting and beating children is unacceptable. Children should be loved, cherished, and treated with care since parents and teachers have the power to shape a child’s personality.

(ii) Do you believe that the death penalty is appropriate?

The most severe and brutal punishment meted out to a person is the death penalty. The convicted person is killed after receiving the death penalty, so there is no turning back. I do not believe that the death penalty is appropriate. God is not a man. What right does he have to take life when he cannot even give it? You should give someone an opportunity to get better.

Writing Skills

A. Baldev is overjoyed to have his old friend’s assistance. Create a card of gratitude for the narrator on behalf of Baldev, thanking him for his assistance.


Dear Premchand.
Please accept my gratitude for all you did to save my son’s life. I am aware that saying “thank you” is a very tiny gesture. Additionally, you have validated the adage “a friend in need is a friend indeed”

B. You are the narrator. You are overcome with a feeling of guilt after Baldev and his son leave his house. Write a letter to Baldev expressing your guilt over accepting the honour that you did not deserve.

Dear Baldev

I’m writing this letter to you today to make a confession, which I do with a great deal of shame. The honor you bestowed upon me the other day for securing your son’s acquittal was unjustified. I should have informed you about it when you brought all of those gifts to show your appreciation. But I was unable to have the fortitude to be honest with you. I must admit that I didn’t speak with the district officer and had nothing to do with your son’s release. On his own merits, the matter was determined. Instead of saying “thank you” to me, thank God for delivering justice to your kid. I hope you’ll pardon me.
Your friend

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EXTRA QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (The Undeserved Reward Question Answer)

1. Do you believe Baldev had a genuine friendship with the narrator? Comment.

Answer- The narrator was a man of principles, to be sure. He disliked having to fulfill duties in his life. He was in a desperate position when an old buddy, Baldev, asked him for a favor from the district officer. However, it does not demonstrate that he was not Baldev’s genuine friend. Baldev and his son moved his sympathy. He got much shock to see Baldev’s son released because of his innocence.

2. What are your thoughts about Baldev and the narrator’s friendship?

Answer: Before getting into problems, Baldev, who referred to himself as the narrator’s bosom buddy, did not show up. He only approached him after learning about the narrator’s relationships with the district officer. He displayed his connection with the narrator in an effort to charm him and brought gifts as payment for his debts. Overall, it doesn’t seem like Baldev is the narrator’s actual friend.

3. On the basis of your reading of the story, create a character sketch for the district officer.

Answer- The district officer in the city is a wise and knowledgeable individual who finds time in his busy schedule to study history. Being a friendly individual, he invites the narrator and speaks to him in a very nice manner. The son of the narrator’s buddy has been let off without being charged thanks to his astute observation and insight. He reprimands the daroga and issues a warning, saying that if in the future he engages in defaming others without justification, he will be fired. As a result, the district officer makes decisions with integrity and justice.

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