Essay on Religious festivals and their values

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Points on Essay on Religious festivals and their values
religion is — its teaching — objects of religious festivals – social values

Essay on Religious festivals and their values
Essay on Religious festivals and their values

Essay on Religious festivals and their values Example- 1

Religious festivals and their values

Religion is belief in a supremely powerful ruling force, particularly in God. A devout man holds the view that since God is just and kind, neither His creation nor the events in the universe can be evil or cruel. He finds courage in adversity, comfort in grief, and hope in despair because of this. Religion also teaches man that as God is the common father of all people, He has a duty to view all men as his brothers and to treat them as such, regardless of their race or belief. He believes that God desires for him to be His favored son. So he makes an effort to lead a moral and upright life.

However, the majority of people are unable to properly comprehend these ethereal religious tenets. Religious festivals serve as a fun way to reinforce these values for them. They so serve as constant reminders of our obligations in life. Additionally, because religion appeals to every man on a spiritual and sentimental level, religious festivals are a more effective way to impart lessons to us than traditional classroom settings.

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A unifying impact is also present at most festivals. Hindu Durga Puja so concludes with the sprinkle of santijal, or water of peace, on everyone present and their embrace. The Mohammedans behave similarly, forgetting all hostility and embracing one another at the conclusion of the Ramadan Fast. On the Christmas holiday, Christians also extend greetings to everyone. Most religious holidays also have excellent social values. They need the assistance of both high and low social classes. Hindus use soil, even from a fallen woman’s doorway, as one of the elements for their gifts during the Durga Puja festival. This instills a sense of importance in each member of the community and promotes social life.

The theater performances and jatras staged in conjunction with some religious holidays provide entertainment for a wide range of individuals. They also provide valuable lessons about the history, culture, traditions, and lives of the nation’s great men throughout history. This is one of the explanations for why even the vast majority of illiterate Indians have managed to uphold a level of culture and moral principles that has astounded people from other lands.

Example- 2

Religious festivals and their values


Religious festivals are observed by many groups and faiths around the world and are a significant component of human culture and history. These celebrations are of utmost importance to society as a whole as well as to the adherents of a particular religion. They provide an opportunity for people to gather together, think about their faith, and deepen their relationships with one another. Beyond their religious significance, these celebrations frequently advance ideals necessary for a peaceful community. The significance of religious festivals and the values they uphold are examined in this essay.

Unity and Communal Harmony

Religious celebrations are essential for promoting harmony and community cohesion. People from all origins get together on these days to celebrate their shared ideals. For instance, during the Hindu celebration of Diwali, individuals from many castes and communities come together to light lamps, give and receive presents, and eat together. Similar to this, Eid-ul-Fitr, which Muslims celebrate, fosters a sense of community and togetherness by allowing them to break their fast and participate in group prayers. These celebrations remind us that, despite our differences, we can live in harmony and honor our common humanity.

Gratitude and Generosity

The principles of thankfulness and giving are emphasized during several religious festivals. The American holiday of Thanksgiving, which is secular in nature, invites individuals to take stock of their blessings and express gratitude for the abundance in their life. In terms of religion, holidays like Christmas and Eid-al-Adha encourage generosity by urging people to give to those in need. This promotes empathy and compassion and serves as a reminder of the value of supporting others who are less fortunate.

Family Bonds and Togetherness

Religious celebrations frequently place a high value on family and community. Christian families join together to decorate Christmas trees, exchange gifts, and have meals throughout this season. Similar to this, during the Jewish holiday of Passover, a special meal called the Seder is held, during which members of the family narrate the tale of their ancestors’ freedom. These celebrations highlight the importance of solid family ties and promote time spent with loved ones.

Cultural Preservation and Identity

Religious celebrations are crucial for maintaining cultural identity and tradition. They are used to transmit legends, customs, and traditions from one generation to the next. A festival with a strong cultural foundation is the Chinese New Year. This features a number of customs like the exchange of red envelopes and dragon dances. Even in a society that is changing quickly, these traditions help people stay connected to their cultural heritage.

Spiritual Growth and Reflection

Rituals and rites that encourage spiritual development and introspection are a part of most religious holidays. For instance, Muslims who observe Ramadan’s fasting and prayer have the chance to develop their self-control and strengthen their ties to their religion. Nine days of prayer, fasting, and meditation are part of the Hindu festival of Navaratri, which enables devotees to concentrate on their spiritual development. These times of reflection and devotion are essential for one’s personal development and for developing a clearer grasp of their beliefs.

Environmental Conservation

Numerous religious celebrations also emphasize environmental protection principles. For instance, the Hindu holiday Holi, sometimes referred to as the “Festival of Colors,” promotes the use of eco-friendly, natural colors while discouraging the unnecessary use of water. Similar to this, the Sikh festival of Gurupurab frequently include tree planting. It volunteers work to highlight the need of protecting the environment.


Religious holidays are quite valuable even outside of the context of religion. They encourage cohesion, harmony within communities, gratitude, charity, ties within families, cultural preservation, spiritual development, and environmental preservation. These principles are fundamental to create a harmonious society. Here individuals from all backgrounds can live in peace and benefit from one another. As we observe these festivals, we should keep in mind the ideals they uphold and make an effort to live by them constantly, building a society where these ideals are not just observed on special occasions but are upheld consistently.

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