MCQ from Asleep in the Valley by Arthur Rimbaud


31.(c) ironical36.(c) extended
32.(a) on the heavy undergrowth37.(c) they are numerous in amount
33.(a) placed among bushes and plants38.(b) he is sleeping for eternity
34.(c) Bushes and plants39.(a) colourless
35.(b) numerous40.(c) the soldier’s being dead


41. “Pale in his warm sun-soaked bed.” the person referred to as ‘pale’ is-
(a) the poet
(b) the young soldier
(c) the poet’s friend
(d) all of them

42. “Pale in his warm sun-soaked bed.” the soldier is called ‘pale’ because –
(a) he is sleeping
(b) his normal complexion is pale
(c) he is dead
(d) he is sick

43. The poet describes the bed of the sleeping soldier as –
(a) warm, green and sun-soaked
(b) warm and green
(c) green and sun-soaked
(d) warm

44. ‘warm, green, sun-Soaked bed.’ the ‘bed’ has been called ‘warm’ because-
(a) it is warm by nature
(b) the light and heat of the sun have made it warm
(c) the warm body of the soldier has made it warm
(d) it is warm by fire

45. “warm, green, sun-soaked bed.” the ‘bed’ has been called ‘green’ because-
(a) it is made of grasses and plants
(b) it is made of grasses
.(c) it is made of plants
(d) it is coloured green


46. The feet of the young soldier are-
(a) among the flowers
(b) among the plants
(c) in the hedges
(d) among the bushes

47. “His feet among the flowers, he sleeps” means-
(a) he is sleeping in a garden
(b) he is sleeping in a forest
(c) he is sleeping amid nature
(d) he is sleeping in bed

48. Rimbaud compares the smile of the sleeping soldier with that of-
(a) a child
(b) a boy
(d) a man
(c) an infant

49. The smile of the soldier in the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is –
(a) gentle
(c) foolish
(b) witty
(d) cunning

50. “His feet among the flowers, he sleeps” the word ‘sleeps’ signifies that-
(a) nature is respectful to the dead soldier
(b) nature is benign to the dead soldier
(c) nature is malign to the dead soldier
(d) none of the above


41.(b) the young soldier46.(a) among the flowers
42.(c) he is dead47.(c) he is sleeping amid nature
43.(a) warm, green and sun-soaked48.(c) an infant
44.(b) the light and heat of the sun have made it warm49.(a) gentle
45.(a) it is made of grasses and plants50.(a) nature is respectful to the dead soldier

MCQ SET F (MCQ from Asleep in the Valley)

51. The comparison of the smile of the sleeping soldier with that of a child suggests –
(a) the innocence of the soldier
(b) the innocence and simplicity of the child
(c) the simplicity of the soldier
(d) the childrens of the soldier

52. The ‘smile’ of the young soldier is said to be ‘gentle’ because-
(a) it has the element of violence
(b) it is genteel in nature
(c) it does not have the element of violence
(d) it has politeness

53. The ‘smile’ of the young soldier is said to be “without guile” because
(a) it is gentle in nature
(b) it does not have a false show
(c) it has a double meaning
(d) it has no reaction

54. “.. His smile/ is like an infant’s .. the word ‘infant’ means –
(a) small child
(b) young child
(c) mature child
(d) mature boy

55. “. gentle, without guile.” the word ‘gentle’ means
(a) genteel
(c) violent
(b) non-violent
(d) simple

56. “gentle, without guile.” the word ‘guile’ means-
(a) false show
(b) original show
(c) complexity
(d) simple show

57. The poet requests Nature- (sample question]
(a) to lull the soldier to sleep
(b) to disturb the soldier’s sleep
(c) to keep the soldier warm
(d) to make the soldier catch cold

58. “… he may catch cold” Rimbaud wants to say that-
(a) he has caught cold
(b) he will catch cold
(c) he has become eternally cold or dead
(d) he will be frozen

59. “.. keep hin warm;” the word ‘warm’ means –
(a) hot
(b) alive
(c) away from the cold wind
(d) none of the above

60. “… keep him warm;” the word ‘warm’ implies-
(a) alive
(b) away from the cold wind
(c) in the hot atmosphere
(d) none of the above

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