Three Questions long questions answers

Here is a complete guide on Three Questions long questions answers for the students and their preparation for their upcoming examination. So read all the questions and answers carefully and memorize all for yourself.

Three Questions long questions answers

1.”It once occurred to a certain Tsar…”- What occurred to the Tsar?/ What were the three questions occurred to the Tsar? Why did he want the answers of them? What did he do then?

According to the short story “Three Questions” written by Leo Tolstoy, the Tsar thought to get answers of his three questiins. He wanted to know what the most important time was to begin any work. His second question was who the most important people were to listen to and whom to avoid. He also wanted to know how how he could know what was the most important thing to do.

The Tsar wanted the answers of these three questions to get success in everything he might undertake.

As three questions occurred to the Tsar, he announced throughout the kingdom that anyone who could satisfy the Tsar by proper answers of his questions, would be amply rewarded.

2. What was the first question of the Tsar? What did the learned men answer to it? How was the effect of the answers?

According to the short story “Three Questions” written by Leo Tolstoy, the first question of the Tsar was what the most important time was to begin everything.

The scholars offered various remedies to solve this problem. Some suggested that one should draw up a table of days, months, and years in advance and prepare his actions according to it. Other scholars suggested that one should pay attention to all the current events going on. Then one must choose which one required immediate action. Some scholars suggested that the Tsar might keep a council of wise men who could fix proper time for everything. Again others suggested that the Tsar should consult magicians because magicians knew what was going to happen.

But all these answers were different and the Tsar was not at all satisfied with the responses.

Three Questions long questions answers
Three Questions long questions answers
3.What was the second question? what was the third question? What did the scholars say about the answers to the second and third question?

Ans. The second question of the Tsar was about the right people to listen to and to avoid.

The Tsar”s third question was what was his most important occupation.

In reply to the second question the scholars had different opinions. Some said that the Tsar would need his councillors the most for sound advice. Some advised that the priests, being wise and  religious were the right sort of people the Tsar should listen to. Other scholars spoke of doctors as the Tsar’s first and foremost requirement. A few scholars suggested that the Tsar would need soldiers to protect his country.

In answer to the third question, the learned men answered that the most important thing in the world was science. Few of them mentioned the skill in warfare as the most important thing. Others declared that religious worship was most important occupation to the Tsar.

4.Why did the Tsar go to the hermit? Why did he go there in disguise? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar met him?

Ans. In the short story “Three Questions “, the Tsar went to the hermit because all the answers were different and none of the scholars could satisfy his queries. So he went to the hermit who was famous as a wise man.

The hermit received only common folk. That is why the Tsar had to put on simple clothes like a common man before meeting the hermit.

When the Tsar reached the hermit’s hut, he saw that the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. The hermit was frail and weak. Each time he struck his spade into the ground, he was breathing heavily. The wise man saw the Tsar, greeted him and went on digging.

5. Why did the Tsar not agree with the answers of the learned men? Who did the Tsar decide to consult again? What was this person famous for? How did the Tsar go to visit him?

Ans.  The Tsar did not agree with the answers of the learned men because all their answers were different. None of the answers was able to satisfy the Tsar.

The Tsar decided to consult a hermit who was widely renowned for his wisdom. He lived in a forest which he never left.

The hermit was famous for his innate Wisdom and the Tsar believed that his curiosity could be satisfied by the hermit.

The Tsar knew that the hermit received none but common folk. So he put on simple clothes, left his bodyguard behind him and went on alone. After dismounting from his horse’s back he walked up to the place where the hermit lived.

6. “Here comes someone running”.- who is the speaker? Who came running?
What happened then? What did the Tsar do to tend the wounded man? Or, How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?

Ans. The Hermit is the speaker of the above statement taken from “Three Questions” written by Leo Tolstoy.

A bearded man came running towards the Hermit and the Tsar.

The wounded man fainted on the ground and the Tsar and the hermit saw a large wound in his stomach. It was bleeding profusely. Then the Tsar started to nurse the wounded man with the help of the hermit. The Tsar bandaged the the wound with his own handkerchief and a towel of the hermit. But blood did not stop flowing. So he washed and rebandaged the wound several times. At last, the blood ceased flowing and the man gradually revived. The Tsar gave him some fresh water to drink and with the hermit’s help, carried the wounded man into the hut and laid him on the bed.

7. “forgive me”- who is the speaker? why did he say so? How did he get forgiveness?//promise of the wounded man and the Tsar?

The wounded man is the speaker of the above statement extracted from “Three Questions”, written by Leo Tolstoy.

The bearded man was an enemy of the Tsar because the Tsar executed his brother and seized his property. For this he wanted to take revenge by killing him on his way back from the hermit. But The Tsar nursed his wound made by his bodyguard. With the Tsar’s help he got back his own life. Then the wounded man asked for forgiveness.

However there happened a reconciliation between the Tsar and the bearded man. The bearded man promised that he would serve him as his most faithful slave and would bid his sons to do the same. The Tsar also promised that he would send his physician to attend the wounded man after returning his property.

8. “You have already been answered”- Who is the speaker? How was he already answered? // How did the hermit answer to the three questions of the Tsar?

Ans- The Hermit is the speaker of the above statement taken from “Three Questions” written by Leo Tolstoy.

The hermit explained to the Tsar that if he had not pitied the weakness of the hermit and dug the beds for him, he would have returned in his own way and the bearded man would kill him. Then he would repent for his doings. So the most important time was when he was digging the beds. The hermit was the most important man at the time and to do good for him was his most important business. After some time, when the wounded man came towards him, he was the most important man. Because, if he did not attend him, he would die and to do good to him was his most important business. So the most important time is Now when we have any power and the most
important person is he with whom you are and to him good is the most important affair.

9. What lessons can one learn from the story The Three Questions’?

Ans- The lessons one can learn from the story The Three Questions’ are in many ways pertinent in everyday life. One should learn from his personal experiences
what is essential and what is non essential. From the experiences of the Tsar, it is learnt that there can be no fixed set of ideas for proper time to begin a work, right
people to consult with or the most important work to undergo. All the activities are completely based on the particular point of time. One should judge the situation
and work accordingly and extend his helping hand to others in case of real need.

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