An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8

We have given here all the answers of activities from An April Day by Longfellow for the students of class 8 and you will get activity answer for class 8 test.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) was one of the most famous American poets of his day. Longfellow is well known for his lyric poems, noted for their musicality. His first major poetry collections were Voices of the Night (1839) and Ballads and Other Poems (1841). The present text isa part of Longfellow’s poem of the same name.


An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8
An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8

Activity 1(An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8)

Tick the correct alternative:

(i) when the warm sun has returned again, it is nice to (a) sing out loud  (b) visit the still wood (c) sail down the river ANSWER= (b) visit the still wood
(ii) The sapling draws its sustenance from (a) the blue sky (b) rainwater (c) earth’s loosened mould ANSWER= (c) earth’s loosened mould
(iii) The birds (a) glance quick in the bright sun (b) sit on the branches of the trees (c) peck at the grains from the ground. ANSWER= (a) glance quick in the bright sun
(iv) The green slope throws its shadow upon (a) the mountain (b) the hollows of the hills (c) the sand dunes. ANSWER= (b) the hollows of the hills

Activity 2

Complete the following sentences with information from the text. (An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8)

(a) Spring is the season of…..sowing seeds and harvest.
(b) The coming-on of storms is foretold by….. many folded clouds.
(c) The birds move along…… the forest openings.
(d) The bright sunset fills….. the silver woods with light.

Activity 3

Answer the following question: (An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8)

Why do you think the poet “loves the season well?
Answer= I think The poet loves the season well because the nature fulfills itself with all the beautiful elements like flowers, leaves, saplings, trees, birds etc.

Activity 4

WhoDid What
The first flowersprings on the plain.
The forest gladesare teeming with bright forms.
The saplingdraws its sustenance from the earth.
The drooping treerevives

Activity 5 (An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8)

Answer the following questions: (An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8)

(a) Why is it sweet to visit the wood during springtime?
Answer- It is sweet to visit the still wood during spring time because the first flower springs on the plain there.

(b) What does winter’s cold do to the tree?
Answer- The winter’s cold strikes the heart of trees and they droop.

(c) What time of the day do you think it is when “the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of the hills”?
Answer- I think when the green slope throws its shadows in the hollows of hills, it is sunset, the time of sun’s departure.

(d) Why do you think the poem is titled “An April Day”? Suggest an alternative title.
Answer- The poem is titled “An April Day” because the poem gives focus on the nature of spring season in the month of april.

Activity 6 (a)

Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms from those given in brackets:

  • He  has been working here for the last two years.(worked, is working, has been working)
  • The baby  has been crying all morning.(cries, has been crying, had cried)
  • It had been raining for a long time before we went to school.(had been raining, rained, rains)
  • The passengers of the train had been sleeping (slept, had been sleeping, sleep)fast when the accident occurred.

Activity 6 (b)

Fill in the blanks with either the Future Continuous tense or Future Perfect tense of the verbs given in brackets: (An April Day by Longfellow activity answer class 8)

  • I suppose it will be raining when we start. (rain)
  • He will be meeting us next week. (meet)
  • She will have reached Jamshedpur by then. (reach)
  • This book is not fat, I will have reached it by lunch time.(read)

Activity 7

Make meaningful sentences of your own with the following words:

(a) harvest= The farmers always love to harvest.
(b) teeming= The flowers are teeming brightly on the banks of the river.
(c) thrives= The plant thrives well on the muddy land.
(d) glance= He paid a quick glance at the beautiful scene.

Activity 8 (a)

Write a paragraph in about eighty words on the changes that you see in nature when spring comes after winter.

Activity 8 (b)

You have a separate routine of work in the morning and in the evening. Write a page in your diary on that part of the day which you prefer more.

Let’s work together:
The poet Shelley once wrote, “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Form groups and search for more such lines on the Spring season. Write down
the lines on a sheet of chart paper. Hang it on the wall of your classroom. You may take the help of your teacher

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