Essay writing on the prize day in your school

I am going to write here an English Essay writing on the prize day in your school. Here it is.


  • Introduction
  • when and where the prize day occurs
  • Guests during the prize day
  • How we celebrated the prize day
  • Role of the president on prize day
  • prize distribution on prize day
  • Successful end of the prize day programme (conclusion)
Essay writing on the prize day in your school
Essay writing on the prize day in your school


Essay writing on the prize day in your school

It is a custom of a school to organize a prize giving ceremony on a particular day which is considered to be the prize day of school. In this programme the school pays reverence to the talented students through prizes. Beside the students and teachers, many guests general public and the guardians attend the programme.

when and where the prize day occurs

our school organized the last prize day on 12 th March in our school campus. The students decorated a large stage  tastefully in front of our main palatial school building to host the whole programme. The president’s chair along with the Headmaster’s were in the middle of the stage.

Guests during the prize day (Essay writing on the prize day in your school )

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Many eminent persons like the BDO, the chairman of the municipality were on the stage.  The Headmaster  and some members of the staff received them. They were really excited at the heartiest welcome from our part.  The pandal had already been filled with the elites of the town.

How we celebrated the prize day

Then The formal ceremony began with a song specially composed for the occasion by a teacher. Then the Headmaster read his report, which showed all round improvement in the affairs of the school. He focused on the positive mindset of the teachers and pupils in the service to our school. This was followed by an interesting programme of recitations and physical feats by the boys of the institution. These kept the audience spell-bound by their excellence.

Role of the president on prize day

The President of our institution then gave away the prizes which included several gold and silver medals. Next came his speech in which he earnestly pleaded for parental cooperation as much more important than any reform in the administrative machinery. Turning to the boys, he laid particular stress upon the necessity of obedience and discipline for the building up of character, and urged them to be firm in purpose, catholic in outlook and charitable in views. In this connection he pointed out their duties as the future citizens of their motherland.

prize distribution on prize day

All the students who stood first second and third in the final evaluation were rewarded. The events of sports in the annual sports competitions were also in the schedule of the  programme. Those prizes were not a momentary rewards for the talented students. Actually those rewards were the inspirations which would work to force them hard in getting success in future. The prize day always aims at such a noble cause.

Successful end of the prize day programme (conclusion)

Finally  function then came to a close with a vote of thanks to the chair and the persons assembled proposed by the Headmaster. It was really a fascinating performance of the students and teachers resulted from the heartiest collaboration.

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