A Day in the Zoo textual question answer

A Day in the Zoo textual question answer is a perfect presentation for you all the students to have a complete guidance and preparation for the examination. Here is a complete solution of A Day in the Zoo textual question answer with standard English language and style.

Gerald Durrell’s “A Day in the Zoo” captures the lively world of wildlife in enchanting words. As a well-known naturalist, Durrell captures the essence of a day spent among the different animals of a zoo. With good observation and a sense of humour, he creates a vivid image of animal behavior, from happy monkeys swinging from branches to royal lions inspecting their dominion. Durrell’s story expertly combines information and fun, making the reader feel as if they are right alongside him, absorbed in the sights, sounds, and smells of the animal life. “A Day in the Zoo” is a delightful excursion through nature’s treasures.

A Day in the Zoo textual question answer
A Day in the Zoo textual question answer

Textual questions:

Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. The average day in a zoo begins just before
(a) dusk
(b) dawn
(c) afternoon
(d) evening
Ans- (b) dawn

2. The birds searching the dewy grass on the lawn were
(a) peahens
(b) peacocks
(c) robins
(d) thrushes
Ans- (a)peahens

3. Stephen with a broom in his hand was guarding over the
(a) bears
(b) gorilla
(c) apes
(d) armadillo
Ans- (c) apes

4. The name of the black Celebes ape was
(a) Etam
(b) Jeremy
(c) Mike
(d) Stephen
Ans- (a) Etam

5. The reptiles dozed in the temperature of
(a) sixty degrees
(b) seventy degrees
(c) eighty degrees
(d) ninety degrees.
Ans- (c) eighty degrees

A Day in the Zoo textual question answer

Exercise 2

Answer the following questions within fifteen words:
(1) How does the sky look as one is awakened by the birdsong?
Ans- The sky looks slightly tinged with yellow as one is awakened by the birdsong.
(2) How do the parrots and parakeets salute the people?
Ans- Parrots and parakeets salute the people with cacophony of sounds.
(3) What do all the animals do at the start of a new day?
Ans- All the animals become excited and eager at the start of a new day, bustle about the cages.
(4) As the light fades, where does the robin fly off to?
Ans- As the light fades, the robin flies off to a mimosa tree.

Exercise 3

Answer the following questions within twenty-five words:
(1) What work do Jeremy and Mike do in the gorillas’ cages?
Ans- Jeremy and Mike sweep up the mess on the floor and scatter fresh white sawdust.
(2) Describe the state of the frogs and snakes in the reptile house.
Ans- In the reptile house, the snakes regard calmly with lidless eyes and frogs make gulping sounds.
(3) What would one see and hear while lying in bed at night?
Ans- Lying in bed at night, one would watch through the window the moon separating itself from the shadow of the trees.

Exercise 4

Grammar in use:

Classify the underlined adverbs according to their functions in the chart below.
(a) I have already done the job.
(b) Bappa can go anywhere for his work.
(c) Puja often comes to my place.
(d) Nargis sings sweetly.

Functions of adverbs


Exercise 5

Underline the clauses in the following sentences and state what kind of clauses they are:

(a) As he was not there, I spoke to his brother.
Ans- “As he was not there”- Adverb clause
“I spoke to his brother.”- Principal clause

(b) The house where Nazrul was born is in Churulia.
Ans-“The house is in Churulia.”- Principal clause
“where Nazrul was born”- Adjective clause

(c) She said that she would return soon.
Ans-“She said “- Principal clause
“she would return soon”- Noun clause

(d) Have you read the book which you borrowed from me?
Ans-“Have you read the book ?”- Principal clause
“which you borrowed from me”- Adjective clause

A Day in the Zoo textual question answer

Read the following sentences:
(1) The average zoo day begins just before dawn.
(2) You pass slowly down the house to the big cage at the end where the
touracos now live.
(3) Soon it will be dawn and the chorus of birds will take over.
In sente nce 1, there is one subject (i.e. The average zoo day’) and one predicate (i.e. ‘begins just before dawn’). It has one finite verb (“begins’). A sentence that
has one subject, one predicate and one finite verb is called a simple sentence.
In sentence 2, there is one principal clause (i.e. ‘You pass slowly down the house to the big cage at the end’) and one dependent clause (i.e. ‘ where the touracos
now live’). A sentence that has one principal clause and one or more dependent clauses is called a complex sentence.
In sentence 3, there are two principal clauses:
(a) Soon it will be dawn
(b) the chorus of birds will take over
The two clauses are joined by the conjunction ‘and’.
A sentence that has two or more principal clauses and they are joined by a conjunction is called a compound sentence.

A Day in the Zoo textual question answer

Exercise 6

ldentify the following sentences as simple, complex or compound sentence:

(i) He is too tired to walk alone.- (Simple sentence)
(ii) They have a friend who lives in Mumbai. (complex sentence)
(iii) Priyan wrote a letter but he got no reply. (compound sentence)
(iv) Being ill, I could not attend school. (Simple sentence)
(v) She told me that she would enter a house which is believed to be haunted. (complex sentence)
(vi) The sun shines brightly and the flowers bloom. (compound sentence)

Composition :
Suppose you live in a school hostel and are under an attack of viral fever doctor has prescribed medicines and advised complete bed rest. Therefore you need to go home. Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school seeking leave for the same.


.Tales of Bhola Grandpa
-Manoj Das

All about a Dog
-A.G. Gardiner
-John Clare

The Headmaster/ Headmistress
XYZ School
BF Block, Salt Lake
Kolkata – 700091
Sub: Leave of absence

This is to inform you that l, Srijit Das, a student of class lX A of your school have fallen ill with severe viral fever since last Thursday. The doctor has prescribed medicines and advised complete bed rest.
Since I live in the school hostel, it is my earnest request to you to kindly allow me a week’s leave, beginning tomorrow, so that I may go home. The leave will
help me recover soon.
I shall be obliged if you kindly grant me permission.

Thanking you
Yours sincerely, )
Srijit Das

ABC School
BF Block Salt Lake
Kolkata- 700091
24th of July, 2014O

A letter to a Headmaster/ Headmistress is a formal letter. It generally has eight main parts:
1.The name, designation and address of the person to whom you are addressing the letter
2.Subject of the letter in brief
4.Body of the letter
6.Signature/name of the person writing the letter
7.The writer’s address
8.Date of writing
The name and address of the person to whom the letter is sent is written on the envelope.

A Day in the Zoo textual question answer

Exercise 7

Write a letter to the Headmaster/Headmistress of your school within 100 words seeking leave for three days to visit your ailing grandmother.

The Headmaster/Headmistress
ABC School
College Road
Bankura, West Bengal

Sub: Leave of absence

With due respect I would like to inform you that I, Abantika Murmu, a student of class IX, Sec-A of your school beg for leave for the next three days. My grandmother, presently who lives with my uncle in Kolkata, has been hospitalized with serious breathing trouble. For the last few months her condition of health has not been good. Last sunday her condition worsened. As I have a strong mental bonding with her, the news made me totally upset. I want to be with her.
So, it is my earnest request to you to allow me the leave, so that I shall be able to go to Kolkata to stand by her side.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,
Abantika Murmu

Abantika Murmu
C/o Dasu Murmu
CG Road, Bankura,
West Bengal,

Exercise 8

Write a letter to your friend within 100 words narrating your experience of visiting a Wild Life sanctuary.

Datan, Purba Medinipur
14 July, 2014

Dear Latika,
For a long time we have been away from each other as you are now living in your uncle’s house in Kolkata. Hope you are well. Recently I went to Jaldapara Wildlife
Sanctuary with my family. I was really charmed by the natural beauty of the place. We also took part in a safari. I was fortunate to see three rhinoceroses. I also saw lots
of other animals in the jungle. I shall tell you about my experience in detail when we meet.
Lots of love to you and pranam to the elders.

Yours ever,


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