SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer

SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer is for you for better understanding of the entire short story “Three Questions” written by Leo Tolstoy. Short questions with answers from the text has been given here for the students preparing for their examinations.

SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer

1.What was the first question of the Tsar?
Ans- The Tsar’s first question was: What was the best time to do each thing.
2. What was the second question of the Tsar?
Ans-The Tsar’s second question was: Who were the best people to work with?
3. What was the third question of the Tsar?
Ans-The T’sar’s third question was: What was the most important work to do at all times?
4. What was the hermit’s answer to the first question of the Tsar?
Ans- To the first question of the Tsar the hermit’s answer was the most important time is the now.
5. What was the hermit’s answer to the second question of the Tsar?
Ans- To the second question of the Tsar the hermit’s answer was the most important person is whoever one is with at present.
6. What was the hermit’s answer to the third question of the Tsar?
Ans- To the third question of the Tsar the hermit’s answer was the most important business is to do good to the person one is with.
7. What answer did the Tsar get from the learned men to all his questions?
Ans- All the learned men gave the Tsar different answers.

SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer
SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer


SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer

8. Why did the Tsar go to the hermit?
Ans- The Tsar went to the hermit because he was not satisfied with the answers of the learned men.
9. Who was the hermit?
Ans- The hermit was a well known wise hermit who lived in a wood.
10. Where did the hermit live?
Ans- The hermit lived in a wood.
11. How did the hermit live in the village?
Ans- The hermit lived in the village alone and worked diligently from dawn to dusk.
12. Who did the hermit meet for giving advice?
Ans- The hermit met only the common people to give his advice.

13. How did the Tsar meet the hermit?
Ans- The Tsar met the hermit in the ordinary dress of a common man.

14. What did the Tsar see upon entering the hut?
Ans- The Tsar saw that the hermit was digging the earth in front of his hut.

Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer

15. How did the hermit receive the Tsar?
Ans- The hermit greeted the Tsar and resumed his work of digging.
16.What did the hermit say when he heard the Tsar’s questions first?
Ans- Listening to the Tsar’s questions the hermit spat on his hand, kept mum and resumed his work.

17. What did the Tsar do to see the frail hermit work and sweat?
Ans- The Tsar took the spade from the hermit and started digging the seedbed.

18. What does the hermit’s constant work indicate?
Ans-The hermit’s constant work indicates that man’s life is meant for constant work and not whiling away time.

19. Why did not the hermit give the Tsar verbal answer at first?
Ans- The hermit did not give the Tsar any verbal answer as he wanted to teach him through his own experience.

20. Wh0 was the wounded man?
Ans- The wounded man was the enemy of the Tsar.

SAQ from Three Questions

21. Why did the bearded man rush to the hermit?
Ans- The bearded man rushed to the hermit as he had a large wound on the stomach and was bleeding profusely.

22. Who wounded the bearded man?
Ans- The guard of the Tsar wounded the bearded man.

23. Where was the bearded man?
Ans-The bearded man was hiding the wood to kill the Tsar from behind.

24. Why did the enemy want to kill the Tsar?
Ans- The enemy wanted to kill the T’sar because the T’sar killed his brother and seized his property.

25. How did the Tsar behave with the wounded man?
Ans- The Tsar treated the wounded man with great care bandaged his wound again and again until the blood stopped flowing.
26. Why did the Tsar forgive the wounded man?
Ans- The Tsar forgave the wounded man because he confessed his guilt and the Tsar easily made peace with his enemy.

SAQ from Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy question answer

27. How many questions did the Tsar put before the learned men?
Ans- The Tsar asked the learned men three questions.


28. How did the learned men answer the Tsar?
Ans- The learned men answered the Tsar differently.
29. What was the first answer of some learned men to the Tsar’s first question ?
Ans- To the Tsar’s first question the learned men said that one must maintain a strict routine according to previously drawn table of days, months and years to know
the right time for the rignt action.
30. What did some learned men say all about the magicians?
Ans- Same learned men said that magicians should be consulted to know every future action.

31. What did the Tsar do when he was dissatisfied with the answers of the learned men?
Ans-The Tsar then decided to consult a famous hermit.

32. Why was the hermit famous?
Ans-The hermit was famous for his wisdom.

33. Where did the hermit live?
Ans- The hermit lived in a wood.
34. What was the hermit doing when the Tsar approached him?
Ans- When the Tsar approached him, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut.
35. Whom did the hermit receive in his hut?
Ans- The hermit received common folk in his hut.

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