Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer

Important Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer from Composed upon Westminster Bridge has been given here for better understanding and preparation for upcoming Examination.

Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer
Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer

Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer

1. How does Wordsworth present the beauty of London in the Poem?/Describe the city of London according to the poem?// Bring out the substance of the poem? / / How does the poet glorify the city unlike the other poets? // critical analysis.  

               William Wordsworth, unlike the other poets, has glorified the beauty, quietude and sublimity of the city of London in “Upon Westminster Bridge”. The celestial beauty of London moved the poet when he was crossing the Westminster bridge in the morning. He feels that a person would be ‘dull of soul’ if he passes without being affected by the beauty. The various landmarks including ships, towers, domes, theatres, temples lie bright and glittering in ‘the smokeless air’. The city wears the beauty of the morning and it prevails with calmness and tranquility which reflect the beauty of the sleeping city. Even this beauty is more attractive than that created by the first sunlight which fall on valley, rock, and hill . The river Thames flows at his own sweet will and the poet, deriving delight from the beauty of London pays reverence to ‘Dear God’.

2. Justify the title of the poem Composed Upon Westminster Bridge ?

 The theme of the sonnet is the spectacular view of the city of London at the crack of dawn. At that time, the sky above London is smokeless and the usual busy and bustling life of the city is yet to start. The poet begins by saying that there is nothing ‘more fair on earth than what he views at the present moment. He feels that anyone who passes the spot without stopping to look at it has a ‘dull’ insensitive
soul. The beauty of the morning lies like a garment over the silent city. Standing on the bridge the poet can see ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples clearly as they spread out endlessly. They are not overhung by a cloud of smoke. The poet says that the sun has never shone more beautifully ever on the objects of nature like valley, rocks and hills. The sight fills the poet with a sense of calm. The river
Thames flows on slowly at its own pace.

The poet drank the bliss of this splendour from the Westminster Bridge when he was on his way to Calais along with his sister Dorothy. When they were crossing the bridge at about half past five or six in the morning on 31st July, 1802 , the city of London made a most beautiful sight. At that time the poet composed the poem from that bridge. Hence the title “Upon Westminster Bridge” is quite significant.

 3.  “All bright and glittering in the smokeless air” – Explain the above line.

The sonnet “Upon Westminster Bridge” composed by William Wordsworth is one of the best of his creations. In this sonnet, he has said that one day in the early hour of the morning, while he was crossing the Westminster Bridge, he was deeply impressed to witness the beauty of the city of London.

The poet Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy saw a most wonderful sight while crossing Westminster Bridge early in the morning.
The city of London with its tower, domes and temples, the river Thames with a number of little boats made a most wonderful sight as the sunlit morning covered them like a garment. The factories had not yet started emitting smoke. The busy city of London is lying still, before it for a new day wakes up. Everything looked bright and sparkling as the air around was not yet fresh and clean. 

Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer

4. ‘Explain the line “And all that mighty heart is lying still”.

The sonnet ” Composed Upon Westminster Bridge” composed by William Wordsworth is about the beauty of nature in the early hour of the morning, while he was crossing the Westminster Bridge and  he was deeply impressed to witness the beauty of the city of London. The smokeless air is an unusual thing for London in the 19th century but it is partly responsible for this wonderful sight.

The beauty of the city is that it is sleeping. Silence is the key to that beauty. There are no people bustling about, there are no smoke, no sound. The poet personifies the city of London whose heart has to endure much noise, pollution , din and the bustle. The city’s heart beats rapidly during the day when everything and everyone in it is bustling about, but now, in the early morning hours, the city’s heart is “lying still”, because the people in the city are sleeping. 

5. “This City now doth, like a garment, wear …-What is this city ? What does it wear ? To what is the garment compared to ?

The city is London, the capital city of England.

The city wears the beauty of the morning. 

Of course, this is the poet’s imagination. In the early dawn, London looks lovely, serene and splendid. So the poet imagines the city thoroughly dressed in the morning beauty. The ‘garment’ is compared to ‘the beauty of the morning’.

Upon Westminster Bridge Long Question Answer

6. Bring out the sense of the last two lines of the poem.
Or, “Dear God ..
..”–What does the poet say to God ?

The last two lines of the poem contain the poet’s address to God-
“Dear God ! the very houses seem asleep;
And all that mighty heart is lying still!”

The poet here invokes God to express his sense of joy and wonder at the sight
of the majestic beauty of London and its neighbourhood in the early hours of the morning.

The beauty of the city of London appears calm and sublime to the poet from the Westminster Bridge. He gets much impression from the whole spectacle. London before him appears all still and silent. Its din and bustle, crowd and noise, have yet to start. Its energetic and active inhabitants are yet to stir. The poet seems to think that the giant city London is still sleeping. He seems emotionally touched. He evokes God and exclaims how wonderful is the beauty of London in the early dawn.


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