The Place of Art in Education Summary and Analysis

The Place of Art in Education is an essay is an extract from the original composition, ‘Drishti Au Shrishti”, (Vision and Creation), by Nandalal Bose. The summary of the whole essay portrays here with the complete analysis which may attract attention surely of the readers with good readability.


The Place of Art in Education Summary and Analysis
The Place of Art in Education Summary and Analysis

(The Place of Art in Education Summary and Analysis)



“Among those things that ………………… the eye is meant do.”

Importance of Language

Language is an important means to aquire knowledge through various branches of study. Literature, science and philosophy can be  expressed only through a language. One can not understand these fields of knowledge without any language.


Literature and art are two separate fields complementary to each other Literature provides man with inner delight, but its field of expression is not limitless Art, music,
dance etc. make up for this. They have their own forms of expression quite different from that of literature.

Man understands the world with his mind and senses and gets aesthetic delight and shares it with others.

Education In Art

Education in arts heightens man’s knowledge and aesthetic experience. This education in arts cannot be achieved through language ; it can be achieved through proper training Art training should be incorporated in the curriculum.


“If the objective of our education ……………….. for the people at large.”

The objective of our education is total development. Art training should have same importance as reading and writing. If the aim of education is all-round development of the student, that aim is futile without art training. But there is very little scope of art training in our school and university curriculum.

This is because the general public do not appreciate the importance of art in life. They attach more importance to utility than to aesthetic value of things. The educated people of our country donot have any sense of shame at not understanding art when they can’t make difference between a painting and a photograph. Beside this, they also become much surprised to see the Japanese dolls and Garish German wrappers in red, blue and purple. The lack of aesthetic sensiblity is on the grounds of utility where they use tin containers in place of earthen pitchers. Then the whole responsibility falls on the educated public and the universities.

Consequently the cultural standard of our country has improved much, its aesthetic sensibilities have grown lamentably worse. The only remedy lies in the spread of art education among the educated people, for it is the educated people who set the standards of taste in the society.


The lack of aesthetic sense hinders our physical and mental well-being

The absence of aesthetic sense not only hinders our aesthetic experience but also harms our physical and mental well-being. Those who lack this sense and keep the surroundings filthy harm their own health and that of others. There are certain examples by which we can know how this works in our life. The men with no aesthetic sense throw rubbish in their surrounding areas, spit betel juice on the walls, streets and even the railway coaches. All these activities pollute the society and also it pollutes the behaviour of others.


“There are some amongst us who think ……………. in aesthetic sensibilities.”

Art is not the exclusive domain for the rich:

Most of the people think that art is the exclusive domain for the rich people. So people forget that the vitality of the work of art lies in the sense of beauty and order, not in it’s money value. A poor tribal person (Santhal) and uneducated keeps his hut neat and clean and arranges his utensils and beds in order whereas a student keeps his clothes and belongings in a disorderly manner in his large room.

Difference between a poor santhal and a college student

For the poor santhal the essential part of his life is to keep everything in beauty and order. But it is superficial to the college student. The educated public advertise their devotion in art by showing framed pin-ups side by side with good paintings. In the hostel rooms, the student keeps shirts hanging from the picture frames, tea cups and combs littering on the study table, paper flowers stuck into used cocoa tins.

The author feels pain to see wide spread disproportion in dress code and lack of taste in our society. People use open breasted jacket with dhoti and high heeled shoes with Saree. All these are the examples to show the poverty of the aesthetic sensibilities.


“Some pose the question ………………. well being of the country as well.”

There are two aspects of literature, one concerned with aesthetic pleasure and the other with Professional returns. There are two aspects of art, one is fine art and the other functional art. Fine art liberates our mind from the constraints of mundane world and gives us aesthetic delight, While functional art adds beauty to the objects of our daily use and provides us with means. So to exclude art from the sphere of our daily life is detrimental to the welfare of the country.


“This lack of art education has not only ………………… finds approval in foreign markets.”

The lack of art education has kept us separated from our past heritage. As we have untrained eyes, we have been insensitive to the glory of our past paintings, Sculpture and architecture. It is also a matter of shame that we do not recognize the excellence of our present day art, whereas it finds approval abroad.


“Let us discuss in a general way ………………….. an institution might offer.”

The roots of art education lie in the observation of Nature and the study of art objects under the guidance of experts. It is for the school and university authorities to take necessary steps. They should incorporate art training in the course of studies, making it compulsory. Training in fine and functional arts will develop the students power or observation and give them better insight into literature, philosophy and science.

8TH PARAGRAPH ( Firstly, good paintings ……… according to the location” )


Students must encounter with the objects of nature and art in their daily life as well as in occasional outings Good paintings and other specimens of art are to be displayed in the classrooms, libraries and studies of students.

They should have availability of Good books on art with ample illustrations.

The students get introduced to great works of art of other countries through films.

They should be taken to museums and picture galleries so that they can acquire first-hand knowledge of different kinds of art. These experiences will help much in arousing their aesthetic vision and strengthening their power of discernment.

Seasonal festivals should be organized to bring the students in close contact with the season’s fruits and flowers.

The students should get introduced to various colours of Nature through occasional outings.

Lastly each school or college should organize an annual art festival in which each student should participate with something he has made with his own hand.

All these ventures will help in arousing the aesthetic sensibilities of the students and making them complete men.

Analysis of the Essay

STRUCTURE Analysis of The Place of Art In Education

The present piece is an extract from Nandalal Bose’s work Vision and Creation. The extracted portion is not at all long. But the approach here is logical and rational enough. The central theme is the proper arrangements for education in art and painting for the students of all categories. The author points out categorically usually the negative approach in the matter. As a result, art-education is found considerably scarce. The author regrets to note how it is affected and arrested. The author, however, also argues the urgent need for art-education for cultural and refined rebuilding of society and social life. In this connection, he asserts the material as well as cultural values of training in art and painting.

Finally, he lays down the measures to be undertaken for the cultivation of art and painting for the all-round development of the present-day society as a whole.

An analysis of the entire extract on the basis of the above thematic discussion is given below:
(i) The totality of man depends on the acquisition of proper knowledge in popular and common materials for study as also proficiency  in the skill of art and painting.
(ii) Problems in art-education are manifold, such as :
(a) The general neglect of art and painting as a course of study.
(b) The wrong impression about this as meant for the rich and idle people only.
(c) No financial or professional benefit from the study of art is at all noticed.
(iii) Problems may, however, be properly handled to refute the usual objections to art- education.
(iv) Different measures may be undertaken to make art-education serve both professional needs and social and cultural advancement for a finer state of living.

Further reading


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