Letter for birthday celebration in orphanage except lavish party

This is a blog post on Letter for birthday celebration in orphanage except lavish party.

Last week on your birthday you donated money to an orphanage instead of throwing a birthday party. Write a letter to your friend describing your satisfaction?

Letter for birthday celebration in orphanage
Letter for birthday celebration in orphanage

My dear Anil,

I have not received any letter from you for a long time. Hope you are all  by the grace of great Almighty.

You will be very glad to know that you last sunday was my birthday. At the same time you will be very much surprised to see that I had not invited you on that day. I do have a surprise here for you. I have done a great work which has made the day very special for me. My father had wanted to organize a grand party to celebrate my birthday with my friends and relatives. But I forbade my parents to do so because I wanted to donate the money allotted for the party to an orphanage.

There are many boys and girls who have no parents. They suffer in life, struggle to live and grow up. They have few helps from some people. My heart cried for them when I heard about them from my grandfather. So I decided to help them by sacrificing a grand party. My parents and my grandfather were really glad. My mother’s eyes were filled with tears and she took me in her arms. Finally we went there and donated and felt the greatest joy of my life.

No more today. More in my next letter. With love to you and regards to your parents.

Your loving friend.
(your name)

Letter for birthday celebration in orphanage (150 words)

My dear Abhra,

I hope this letter finds you well. Last week, I opted to donate to an orphanage instead of having a traditional birthday party. The satisfaction derived from knowing that my decision could make a positive impact on the lives of those in need was truly gratifying. Witnessing the smiles on the children’s faces and imagining the possibilities my contribution could unlock filled my heart with joy. While I missed the usual festivities, the sense of fulfillment in giving back surpassed any fleeting pleasure a party might have brought. It was a meaningful and rewarding way to celebrate, and I wanted to share this experience with you, knowing you appreciate the importance of making a difference in the lives of others.

Your lovingly
(your name)

Letter in 50 words

My dear friend,

I chose to donate to an orphanage on my birthday, skipping the party. The joy derived from making a meaningful impact far surpassed any celebration. Grateful for the experience and the ability to make a difference.

Your loving friend
(your name)

Letter in 500 words

My dear Anit,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and mood. I wanted to take a moment to share the incredible satisfaction and fulfillment I experienced last week on my birthday, as it was unlike any celebration I’ve had before.

Instead of hosting a traditional birthday party with all the usual festivities, I made the decision to redirect the funds towards a cause that has always held a special place in my heart – supporting an orphanage in our community. I wanted to express to you just how deeply satisfying this choice has been for me.

The decision to forego the usual celebration in favor of contributing to a cause that truly matters was not an easy one, but as the day unfolded, it became apparent that it was the right choice. Visiting the orphanage and witnessing the impact that the donation could have on the lives of those children was an emotional and rewarding experience.

The smiles on the children’s faces, the gratitude expressed by the staff, and the overall positive atmosphere in the orphanage created a sense of warmth and fulfillment that no party could have provided. It was a reminder of the power of collective efforts in making a meaningful difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Other lessons for further reading (ESSAYS)


While there were moments when I missed the typical birthday festivities, the joy I felt in contributing to a cause that matters overshadowed any sense of loss. It was a celebration of a different kind – one that focused on giving back and fostering a sense of community.

This experience has left me with a profound sense of gratitude and contentment. It emphasized the importance of empathy, kindness, and the impact that even a small gesture can have on the lives of others. It has inspired me to continue finding ways to contribute to the well-being of our community. This helps to encourage others to do the same.

I wanted to share this with you because your friendship has always been a source of inspiration for me. Your compassion and generosity have often nudged me towards acts of kindness. I thought you would appreciate the journey I embarked on this year.

As I reflect on the past week, I am grateful for the opportunity to celebrate in a way that goes beyond the surface-level festivities. Here’s to a year filled with more opportunities to make a positive impact and create lasting memories together.

Your loving friend
(your name)

Letter on birthday celebration in orphanage (250 words)

My dear Amit,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you the immense satisfaction I felt on my birthday last week. Instead of hosting a traditional party, I decided to make a meaningful impact by donating to a local orphanage.

The decision to redirect the funds meant for a celebration towards a cause so close to my heart brought me profound joy. As I entered another year of life, the realization that I could make a positive difference in the lives of those less fortunate was incredibly fulfilling.

Witnessing the smiles on the children’s faces and knowing that my gesture could contribute to their well-being filled my heart with warmth. Celebrating my birthday in this way deepened my sense of purpose. It also highlighted the importance of compassion and empathy.

While I missed the usual festivities, the satisfaction derived from making a positive impact far outweighed any momentary joy a party might have provided. It was a reminder that meaningful connections and acts of kindness hold the true essence of celebration.

I wanted to share this experience with you, as your friendship has always been a source of inspiration for me. Here’s to a year filled with more opportunities to make a difference and create lasting memories together.

Your loving friend
(your name)

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