Letter to police station to stop early marriage of a girl

This is how we can write a formal Letter to police station to stop early marriage of a girl below 18 years of age. Formal letter writing is always a very crucial in our working life. Here is a fine view of a formal letter writing to the officer in charge of a police station to prevent an early marriage of a girl.

Letter to police station to stop early marriage of a girl

QUESTIONSuppose the parents of one of your classmates finalized her daughter’s marriage. Write an application to the OC of your local police station requesting him to stop her early marriage.

The Officer in charge
Salia Police station
Paschim Medinipur

Sub- To take action against the marriage of an immatured (below 18) girl

Sir /Madam
With due respect I would like to inform you that I am Sunita Patra, a student of class 11 of ABCD Govt. High School. Dipika Dey is my classmate and she is a very good student of mathematics. But it is very much unfortunate that his parents have arranged her marriage on 12th october. Her father’s name is Harish Dey who is a resident of Naksara (imaginary name) village under your station. The marriage of a girl under 18years i.e. child marriage is a criminal offence. It will destroy the bright future of Dipika.  I know personally that Dipika doesn’t want the marriage; but she is under great mental pressure and she is unable to protest.
So, I request you to take needful action to cancel this marriage.
I also request you not to reveal my identity and this letter that I am writing to you. The birth certificate of hers has been attached here for your kind consideration and further inquiry.
So I shall be highly obliged if you kindly do the needful actions regarding this matter.

Thanking you.

Your sincerely
N. Roy

Letter to police station to stop early marriage of a girl
Letter to police station to stop early marriage of a girl


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