Letter to Editor on Bad or poor Condition of Hospital

This is a letter to Editor on Bad or poor Condition of Hospital. The letter is written in 100, 200, 300 and 400 words as you need to prepare for your examination. Write a letter to the editor on the deplorable condition of the hospitals?

Letter to Editor on Bad or poor Condition of Hospital
Letter to Editor on Bad or poor Condition of Hospital

Editorial letter on poor condition of hospitals

Editorial letter on deplorable condition of hospitals in 400 words


The Editor

The statesman

Kolkata 7000001

SUB= Poor or Bad condition of Govt. hospital


Through the column of your well esteemed daily, I would like to draw your kind attention to the major problem of the bad condition of the Govt. Hospitals at present. Here it is.

Basically a major part of the population of our country is largely dependent on Government aided hospitals due to the financial discrimination at large. Chiefly common people who belong to the below poverty line or to middle class society don’t have any option but to have the facilities of Government hospitals.

As private hospitals and nursing homes with modern technologies have become much more costly, beyond the reach of the common people, Government hospitals become the only way open to average people.

But the poor conditions of these hospitals has now become a very major issue in our life and there are certain problems which have raised many questions. First of all it is the pressure of the patients which is unbearable for the hospitals with limited facilities for limited people. The lack of adequate staff in the hospitals sometimes leads to chaos and suffering to the needy patients and their families.

Secondly, the timely attendance of the doctors, nurses and other workers is not satisfactory at all. Doctors who work there as Government employees remain busy in their private clinics most of the time having no care and attention to their needy patients in the hospitals. Patients suffer; but who will raise their voice for them. We need to rectify all these in the interest of common rules and regulation of the system.

Another important factor is the lack of sufficient beds and modern technical equipments which don’t allow more patients than the actual capacity of the patients. Medicine stores and blood banks don’t have any good hope as well.

Negligence in work and supervision of the conditions of the hospitals is also reflected badly at the dirty campus of Govt. Hospitals. The family members of the patients spend nights under the open sky at night on the dusty roadsides.

But who will give them shelter? It is high time to raise voice against all these problems as early as possible. I think your editorial space will surely be available to attract the attention of the higher authorities. Thanking you.

Your obediently




Letter to Editor poor Condition of Hospital

Editorial letter on poor condition of hospitals in 300 words


The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi

SUB- About poor condition of the hospitals


Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to ventilate my deep concern about the poor condition of the hospitals in rural areas. First of all there are no sufficient doctors in rural areas. No one wants to go to the rural areas and see the people there. There are also very less staff for the maintenance of the hospitals. The hospitals are very dirty.

Even the ambulance service is also very bad. The cars are very old and had got damaged very badly. During an emergency, ambulance is always late and due to this the condition of the patients becomes very painful. secondly there are not sufficient medicines and tools in the hospitals. All the tools which are available there are very back dated. Now a days many modern devices are there but the hospitals can’t afford all those costly devices. Government must think about it.

There are also not many beds in the hospitals. During an epidemic when many people get affected, there was the lack of sufficient beds for them. As a result they were forced to take shelter on the dirty floors of the hospitals.

I will be highly obliged if you kindly give this a short space on your editorial page to attract the attention of the higher authorities.

Thanking you.

Your sincerely

Ridam Paul


Letter to Editor on Bad or poor Condition of Hospital


The Editor 

The Statesman 

Kolkata  700001

Sub :-  about the bad condition of hospitals 

Sir , 

Through the column of your esteemed daily I would like to draw your kind attention to the bad condition of hospitals in our area. Here it is .

We, the residents of Sarenga , a small town situated in southern Bankura district with a large population are now in the hospitals of our area are not in a good condition . The hospitals are very old and sometimes the paint and plaster peels off from the walls . The ground area of the hospitals is very unhygienic as the sweepers do not clean these regularly . Sometimes the people of the patient’s house and also the patients become ill due to the bite of some poisonous insects as the area is not clean properly . There are not sufficient doctors and nurses and Some of them are serious about their patient’s health but most of them are very rude and treat their patients like street animals. Patients wait a long time for treatment and Some staff and doctors lack a sense of duty and also  humanity . 

So I shall be highly obliged if you kindly look at this matter carefully and provide this a short space on your editorial page to attract the attention of the higher authorities . 

Thanking you . 

            Your sincerely 

             Manisha Sen

Letter to Editor poor Condition of Hospital

Editorial letter on DEPLORABLE condition of hospitals in 100 words


The Editor

The Statesman 

Kolkata – 700001 

           Sub – The bad condition of hospitals 

Sir /Madam ,

                     Through the column of your esteemed daily I would like to draw kind attention to the bad condition of hospitals in our area. The condition of hospitals is horrible . The deficiency of many important things like bed ,many instruments , medicines etc dismount us in tension . Moreover the condition of the hospitals are horrifying with filthy words. The patients lie on the floor and for those the condition of patients has not improved . In our hospitals for the lack of doctors and nurses, the patients ought to go to other state for their serious condition .

            Therefore I shall be highly obliged if you kindly allow this a short space on your editorial page to attract the attention of the higher authorities .

Thanking you .

                    Your faithfully 

             Shreya Mahapatra